Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Week 08 Animatic End

Heres the end of the animatic

Week 08 Animatics FINISHED!

hurray and celebrations all around i have finished my animatic. we split the animatic into three parts and by the wheels of fate i ended up getting two of the parts to myself. well there done and im quite pleased withem. i shall try to upload em but am havin alot of problems with uploading vids.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Week 08 Synopsis

Thirteen and boy are fishing either side of a stream. Thirteen attempts to introduce himself, the boy ignores him with a humph and turns his head. Suddenly a great tug on his rod almost pulls the boy into the river regains his attention. A small fight between the boy and his catch ensues resulting in a triumphant victory. The fish is of a small size and the boy turns to gloat at the machine with a huge grin on his face. He waves and smiles back (genuinely friendly) the camera cuts to behind thirteen were we see he is hiding a larger fish. With this the boy picks up his rod and fish and walks off proudly.

Stomping up the stairs to his house, he opens the door to be greeted by his mother’s voice. She asks where he has been and of that “damn robot” is still following him. Boy turns to look down the stairs. Thirteen who is standing at the bottom of the stairs to the house looks back at him and waves. Boy replies “yes...he’s still following me, and yes I know I’m not allowed to play with him.” Frustratedly. “Some of those machines are dangerous, you can’t trust them.” Boy steps inside the house and closes the door.

Sometime has passed. Door swings open and boy bounds down the stairs jumping most on his way. The mother shouts something as he leaps down the road. “Stay away from the beach, the machines are wild down there”. He continues running, missing trees, walls and buildings by inches. On his way he passes Thirteen who is currently dragging his whale like catch up a hill. The boy frustratedly tries to ignore Thirteen but he can’t help being visible shocked and jealous, the fish is at least twice as large as the boy.

Boy arrives at Aspiration Point and sits on the edge of the hill. Thirteen approaches from behind. The boy turning round and seeing him tells him “I know your there! You’re always there!!” losing his temper he throws a lump of mud, hitting Thirteen in the side of the head. Thirteen wipes the mud from his face and looks at it in his hand. Regretting his actions the boy embarrassed, gets up and runs off down to the beach which is covered in steel and iron junk. The sand is stained by rust. The boy trudges down the beach, kicking the sand and feeling ashamed. The boy walks into a huge shadow that is being cast down onto the sand and the boy. Looking up he sees a huge metallic creature poisoned by cancerous rust. It growls loudly at him. Thirteen being walking away, then he hears the roar.

Cuts to the boy who has just been knocked to the floor. He stands up and breaks a branch off from a nearby tree. Running at the metal beast he dodges a fist swung to the ground. The boy breaks his stick to kindling after attempting to whack the creature. It picks him up and throws him with great force across the beach straight into the arms of Thirteen. The boy dusts himself off and looks at Thirteen with surprised appreciation. The holds his hand out and they shake hands. The Thirteen grabs his arm with his other hand as well, he beings to spin the boy around faster and faster then finally letting go. The boy shoots off like a bullet straight towards the creature, football kicking him straight in the nose. The creature, injured, limps off.
Final scene the boy and thirteen fishing together this time enjoy each other’s company.

Week08 Animatic & Essay

gareths essay is now finished i gave ther presentation and i thought it went pretty well actualy cracked a few jokes went down better than i thought. I have just done the essay hit the 2000 wirds exactly. have now started mikes gotta finish that for thusday, but right now more important things the animatic.

I have done half of the storyboards which i am now editing together in after effects becca has helped me a great deal in the animatic but im on track. i will post all the storyboards aswell as the animatic soon.

Monday, 19 November 2007

Week 07 Dumb ass Essays

these stupid timewaster essays have unfortunatly sucked almost all my time from this week and a little from the last. I see no point in doin them when we have a disertation and have in the last two previous years had essays of this almost EXACT criticle nature. last two years essaysgo sumtin like this " do an essay on anything really just analys it and deconstruct it." talk about vaguely written filler. Some higher ups have deemed it nessassary to do it again for a third year TWICE in the same TERM along with a disertation. Oh oh did i forget the clincher! you have to do a presentation on ur essay! so write the essay! then put it into a power point and present it to the class!

the words BEATING A DEAD HORSE come to mind.

so thats were my time has gone so i appologise for lack of progross on my modeling and actual work. but oh well we all have to do it and it needs to be done so i should have that all rapped up by the end of this week.

Week 07 Modeling Wolf & 13 render

Right well most of this week has gone onto modeling my wolf character who is now almost finished i would say it will only take a few more days to finish. I also rendered a spin around of the finished ambient occluded 13 model to show it off.

Week 06 Finished 13 Model & Started Boy

i finaly finished the 13 model. All that was left was the hands which i will have images of. I also began to start the boys model. I started with the head i began with a previous head i was given by rob then using the sculpt geomtry tool i addapted it to look like my character. Doing it this way just saves time.

I have decided to model the hair with geomtry then to have the hair animate with dymnamics. I will put a skelenton inside the hair then set up dynamic parameters.

Monday, 12 November 2007

Week 05 Character Modeling 13

I started modeling the character 13 this week and have already almost finished the last thing that i need to do is model the hands an then i will be finished. Right now im at 14,000 polys with a limit of 20,000. I feel that i have managed to keep to the artstyle and portray what i drew into 3D.

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Week 05 Houses & Storyboards

i handed out the houses to Kyung, Ross and Anton and gave them two weeks to complete the models with a 10,000 poly count.

Also during this week i also started the storyboards, i didnt get much finished as i found myself concentrating on the modeling side of my tasks.

Week 04 The Schedule

i finaly got round to planing out the scedule. I did this on a spreadsheet programme, after it was finished me and rob went over the document we were both confident that we should be able to keep to it he also helped me realize that a few points needed to be changed. i also extended the legth of time given to lighting, i have never spent much time lighting and didnt have much knowlage on its length.

Week 04 Enviroment Block Out

so i drew up the plans for the land mass. We worked out that there are two main enviroments the town and the hill and the junkyard. So for my blockout animation i decided i first need two things, the modeled and rigged characters and the ground plains. This is so i can work out timings and what there standing on.

I have planned out the two enviroment with detailed birds eye views and a few more intracute drawings these have been given to casper who has no stated to blockout the first draft of the ground plains he has been given two weeks

Week 04 Logo

I also took the time during the week to create a logo. this logo i made incorporating the theme of nature and metal by combining the tree and a cog, green and dark steely purple.

Week 04 Thumbnails

this week on Tuesday me Rob and Jay all got together and went over the story together. After we were all familuralised we went to creating the rough thumbnails wich we worked out together.
after all the thumbnails were done we split them into three sections and went to story boarding are own seperate sections alone, working from the thumbnails.

Week 03 Group art

Here are some pieces of art that i did just to get the mood of the scenes and characters

Week 03 Character Expressions

Here are some of the expression sheets i did for the boy character and 13. Yes i realize that i am still yet to name one of the three aforementioned characters.


when i first drew the two main characters i drew them far to old. I dont know why its just the way they naturaly came out when i was working on them. I surprisingly didnt notice well into painting 13, but when i did emidiatly had to start again but here they are anyway

Week 03 Enviroment Concept

Here is the first crack at the junkyard i have come up with a finalized look for the junkyard. i will be painting it if i get time in the future but we really need to press on with thumbnails and story boards so i will be swiftly be moving of of concept soon.


here are alot of bridges and other assets that i have designed to be put into are scenes

Week 03 Enviroment Concept

Here they are the six houses that have to be modeled in fine detail. I will be handing out these six houses which make up the entire town to diff rent people. Jay, Anton, Kyung, Ross and mainly rob will be working on the fine detail pf these houses. Each building has a limit on 10,000 polys seeing as rob and i are adamant that textures will be what bring the final product to life and seeing as painting is are strong point we should be in with a good chance of creating something to be proud of.

Week 02 Enviroment Painting

Here are some paintings i did of aspiration Point

Week 02 Enviroment Concept

Also this week a started on my enviroment concept. With the art style i have decided to go with a cell shaded look as i feel that this best represents the style that I'm going for and closest to the final result that i wish to get.

Here are a few of the early enviroment sketches i did to do these i went to Leeds Castle and survayed thje envormonet and drew inspiration from there grounds modifying it to fit in with
my own ideas.

Week 02 Character Concept

Here they are boys and girls. These were the main three characters one of which was cut because she had no place in are hearts, and we found her morally objectionable. The image to the right is the big scary antagonist

Week 02 Character Concept

Here we are its the new post of the week, well iv decided to to a few. Rather than have loadsa stuff all crumpled into one post ill do one for each separate area of the week. It'll be easier to navigate, structure and it'll be easier on the old eyes.

First I'm gonna go into character concept, now i had 4 characters to begin with but while i was working through the story we realised one was inconsequential who brought nothing to the table in terms of telling the story, So we culled that dead weight with little or no remorse. Saves on work dunnit. But for your enjoyment ill add here character design that i did cause i think its pretty.

The rest of the characters have now been finalised the boy and 13 have changed little and we as a team feel happy with there finalised design. We did however have a little trouble with the antagonist (the wolf creature) that attacks 13 and the boy.

We all new who he was and what he needed to be so myself Rob and Jay each had a crack at it. In the end mine was chosen to go forward. Robs was a little complex with lots of wires and Fur (fur being incredibly difficult to simulate in Maya) and jays looked so evil you'd imagine it pissed pure malevolence. This character is supposed to be wild not evil.

Week 01 Story Synopsis

Right So this is the first blog of many to come on the long road i like to entitle "the eternal struggle" but this is the first week and the pressure is on to get this show started, the better the start the better the end, fact. Oh its exciting and i quite luckily had allot of work already done on this project which has given us a little head start.

Anyway the first week then. I worked solely on the story this week. I wrote a more in depth story synopsis, which a went over heavily with Becca. The main criticism i received for the story was that it was a little complex and that the story as a whole felt to large. The weight of the film fell heavily on the outcome of a entire race of peoples outlook on racism. which was far to complex to tell in two minutes also leaving the main characters feeling light on development. So me and Becca rewrote it to be more self contained. Meaning the boy started out prejudice against 13 (the machine) and going through his own personal development.

It worked far better in terms of story and practicality to make. It made the characters feel more real. We then took the story to Mike who seemed far more positive with it. He also gave us advise on the boy and an extra scene with a radio which helped to portray the boys back story as to why he had these preconceived notions of discrimination. Rather than just blind ignorance.

We also took it to Jared who really broke the back of the problems with the story. He had lots of helpful suggestions and with only a quick tutorial from him i felt allot more confident with the material. By the end of the week and going over it with rob i managed to pound it into something i was very happy with and the tutors seemed to be pleased which was a big turn around i felt, from there once first pessimistic view.